Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Things I am thinking about...

Grace, Grace, Grace

Because we have entered through the veil, which is his torn flesh, we can go boldly to the throne of Grace. People think that is arrogance, they don't realize that arrogance is presuming you have really done enough.

Ken Jones

But have the godly no sense of law-wrath? yea, so far as they are under the law, for the are never wholly free from a legal temper while here. The dead ghost of the law may rise up and frighten them. But so far as they are dead to the law, it is not law-wrath but fatherly judgement that affects them. Indeed, through unbelief they may fear hell, but they cannot do so by faith, seeing there is no foundation for that fear, since there is no condemnation to them who are in Christ Jesus. It is not easy to get the law killed, something of the legal disposition remains even in the believer while he is still in the world.

Ralph Erskin from a sermon titled: Law-Death, Gospel-Life


Charlotte said...

like the new spot

Dr. Jack Lumanog said...

I'm liking your new Blogspot digs...welcome to the neighborhood. It's not quite like Wordpress but then again, Blogspot is all I know. Well, between this and Xanga and that seems like a whole lifetime ago. (Enough tech geek stuff...welcome! Your blog looks bright and fresh!)

Dr. Jack Lumanog said...

BTW, nice post. You know me and Grace. We're tight these days.