There are many issues that are preference when it comes to politics...this is not one of them, and when we thought that the abortion issue couldn't get any more horrific, it does! It doesn't surprise me, but it does grieve me. And its not just Obama, hardly. But where is his line? Where do Christians draw the line? When will enough be enough? How much more women's choice can we take? We at least need to be moving in a direction of LIFE! And besides all that, Palin is BAD A! :)
The Wager by David Grann
1 week ago
This is a toughie of an election. This is an election where both candidates from the major parties don't have a consistent life ethic from conception to the grave. The Saddleback Forum was interesting because both candidates said they believed life begins at conception ... which seems to contradict their policies everywhere else they happen to be campaigning outside of Saddleback Church.
First of all, for me, the Saddleback interview was when I started LIKING McCain. There is nothing about Obama that entices me, I was going to throw away my vote first. Then I started listening to him (Obamamama)...and then I realized that McCain gets it (my vote)so that he doesn't. McCain's voting record is WAY more consistently prolife. He is for rape abortions and stemcell, which is not good, BUT, he is closer, going the RIGHT direction. Thats what I want. I am not naive enough to think that a prolifer (100%) would get ANYWHERE. Anyway, here are quotes and voting record links.
(I don't know how to put them in as links...)
AND, the judges, which last WAY longer than the Presidents do...those seats are important!
Our church is doing a 40 day fast starting on the 24th of this month and ending on election day. We are in a critical time. thanks for the post Renee. it is a great one.
Thanks for linking to me!
How can Obama lead a people if he can't recognize a person?
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