Monday, February 23, 2009

If you are a parent...

Here are the links I promised from the Ted Tripp seminar that I listened to online. I am about to do it again, they are that good. He gives SUCH a great biblical perspective on parenting, and laying that foundation of the gospel and instilling Godly character. I have been mulling over these since the beginning of January, and I feel like I STILL don't totally have it yet! Let me know if you listen to them and what you think. I would love to say that I will blog about each session (cause I really would like to), but we all know what kind of blogger I am. Maybe...

The Call to Formative Instruction

Giving Kids a Vision for God's Glory

Helping Kids to Understand Authority

Helping Kids to Understand the Heart

Overview of Corrective Discipline

Friday, February 20, 2009


Have you ever felt that parental compulsion to make the RIGHT decision?!? Probably if you are a parent, you feel it every day and so you know exactly what I am talking about. We are feeling the bumps in the road with our oldest and I refuse to chalk it up to prepubescent-ness or because he is in middle school now, or because *they just act that way* stage. I REFUSE!

Well, as I was trying to process this with my wonderful Henry...God so used him to speak to my heart. "We are called to lay a foundation right now...that is it!"

Can you hear my sigh? And NOT that, by any stretch of the imagination is that EASY, but...possible and RIGHT! He does NOT have to get every BSF lesson, he does NOT need to understand every memory verse, he does NOT need to *get* every sermon on Sunday, etc, etc, etc. BUT, it is adding up, it is building, it is going to give him his foundation.

Tedd Tripp (which I will expand on soon in a post) said at a conference, that we tend to believe that raising children is a sprint, when really it is a MARATHON. Which happens to be speaking my language, I am starting to get the difference.

Our children don't *get* everything we tell them every time. Imagine God expecting that from us! (God forgive me!) But it DOES build that foundation from them. Our children WILL have a place to draw from in the desert and dry times. They will know God when they leave here.

Foundation building...mother guilt cannot be found today in foundation building. Thank you Henry!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Quote of the Day...

"Look Mom! I found the cross of Egypt!"

Our family participates in Bible Study Fellowship and this year we are studying the life of Moses and recently there has been much talk of Arks, Candlesticks, Egyptians, Promised Land etc. Sethie and Allie were doing their timeline figures for their History lesson, which today happened to be the same time period. I gave Shaye some timeline figures you to color, and this was her narration of our lesson! Hopefully one day all her dots will be connected! :)